Actions from Area Panel meeting 19th June 2024


Deadline for staff to respond: 1pm on Monday 12th August  


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed or Outstanding?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?




{Designated officer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>






maintenance on

authority properties.

Service charges being

taken despite service

not being delivered. Prev WA4.

Robert Walker / Emma Gilbert

We understand ground maintenance is a frustrating issue for residents. We will be able to provide a verbal update at the next area panel.





Residents not

consulted with regard

to issue of garage


Benjamin Tedder

Parking spaces and garages are offered to successful applicants in line with the Car Parks & Garages priority allocations policy.  The license agreement for car parking spaces and garages must consistently reflect the elements of this policy, as a result. Some changes around the license wording, to make the existing terms clearer for applicants and licensees, have been made over recent years but the way that car parking spaces and garages are offered to licensees remains largely unchanged from when the original policy was agreed. The license has contained terms, advising that car parking spaces and garages are for the daily storage of a motor vehicle, which must be in a roadworthy condition (including having a current, valid V5 document and being taxed, insured and with a current MOT) and are not for the storage of items, since the CP&G policy was agreed in 2007.  This is due to household items being stored within garages, creating a higher risk of fire within the property.  If garage licensees have any questions or would like to clarify the terms within their existing license agreement to use a garage, they can contact the Housing Customer Services Team at or on 01273 293030 and they will be happy to help.


2 August 2024



Better inclusion of

residents in EDB



Keely McDonald

Recent West EDB bids and their consultations will be looked at to look at any gaps and offer support to bidders, if this is in reference to a specific bid, please let me know.




Regarding matters arising page 14 minutes – West Area Estate Walks, record incorrect as residents unable to attend, Cllr Hewitt confirmed Hangleton walk but no Knoll walk

Justine Harris

A verbal update will be given.




Residents raised concerns surrounding the misrepresentation and confusion between the ability of tenants, leaseholders, freeholders and other parties of relevant interest to sit on and contribute toward EDB decision panels (Relating to prev W3.1)

Sam Nolan

Response available under item W3.1 of Residents Questions.

